Skype is one of the best virtual medium for global communication. Skype is an important medium for exchanging confidential files, documents, photos or messages. The quality of video conferencing is just mind-blowing. Also, we need to know how to Disable Skype in Windows 10.

Whether you are a Windows user, it’s annoying that every time you start your computer, several apps are running behind the background. Skype is just like that type of apps.

The configuration of Skype forces the app to remain active and run in the background even when not in use. Many times these apps use more in memory and slow your computer. Top 6 Ways to Fix Device Is Unreachable Error for iPhone. 

So today, we will discuss how to disable Skype at Startup in Windows 10. It’s really very important for everyone who always fast his/her computer.

How to Disable Skype at Startup in Windows 10

Any function program or software or apps should be open only when it is needed. So we should follow some tricks to avoiding this problems.

1. Sign Out from Skype

Skype Desktop is a traditional Skype application. It is too much disturbing that it is running automatically at startup.

If you are annoyed with your Skype apps on your windows, you can sign out from these apps.

Windows 10 offers a new feature within the taskbar. It is a small bar placed under the taskbar of any running application.

To do,
Go to Skype app and go to Skype Settings. For that, click on the three-dot icon at the top on Skype and select Settings. You have to select “Sign out”

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2. Stop Skype Auto start via the Task Manager

For Dis-able Skype at Startup in Windows 10, you can also use task manager.

Firstly, you have to open the Task Manager. You have to right-click on the Windows Start Menu, where a context menu will appear. You have to click on the Task Manager.

Use Ctrl + Shift + Esc keyboard shortcut to open Task Manager directly.

In task bar you can see the Skype app, please Right-click on the Skype icon.  And select Quit or Disable. Now you can free from Skype at Startup in Windows 10.

3. Uninstall Skype App for Windows 10

Skype was very popular for conference meetings but now Skype’s popularity has been undermined by the advent of many more apps like as Google Meet, Zoom. So it is wise to uninstall Skype if you are not using this apps at all.

To uninstall,
For classic Skype, Hold Windows Key + I keyboard shortcut to open the Windows Settings screen.

Next, choose Apps > Click on Apps & Features > on the right side you move towards the bottom to locate Skype App.

Now, click on it, and you can view the “Uninstall” button tap on it.

4. Use Registry Editor

If you fail even after following all the above methods, then you have to resort to this method.

The very its step can be followed.
Launch the Run dialog box using Windows key + R keyboard shortcut.

And 2nd instruction,
Type Regedit and press Enter key on your keyboard or press OK button.

And Last but not the least,

Copy this code >
HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows Current Version Run

and paste it in address board and Enter it. You can easily find the Skype Registry Editor file. You have to right click on it and delete these apps.

Getting rid of this hassle of Skype will surely make your computer a lot faster. You can see the 9 Advantages and Disadvantages of Memory Card.

Simultaneously, by doing this way, you need not require the Skype application running all the time. Hope for best.

Know more about: Screen Saver Settings In Windows 10


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