Are you on the lookout for the top virtual reality apps? This guide compiles the best virtual reality apps for Android and iOS, as well as how to make your own VR. You can now see or create virtual experiences on your smartphone or tablet, so you don’t need to spend a fortune on a VR headset to try it out. There are numerous apps available for both viewing and playing with virtual reality, as well as creating your own. Today we will discuss The best VR apps in 2022.

We’ll start with several free apps that you can download right now to try out virtual reality in a variety of settings, such as gaming, news, and more. Then we’ll go through the top VR apps for generating your own work, which can be a little more expensive (jump straight to that section here). 

The best VR apps: Viewing

01. YouTube

Yes, it’s true. The world’s most popular video app contains a ton of original virtual reality material from a variety of top-tier creators. Videos from National Geographic, Discovery, the NBA, and others can be seen on YouTube’s virtual reality channel. Get up close and personal with sports stars, travel to breathtaking sites across the world and try new things.

02. Within VR

There’s no denying that virtual reality can provide some truly breathtaking experiences and Within VR is a wonderful illustration of that. It’s a platform for professional artists to share high-quality videos in genres such as documentaries, music, horror, mindfulness, and fitness. It works with all major VR devices and headsets, allowing you to fully immerse yourself regardless of your preferred output.

03. The Guardian app

As The Guardian VR accurately demonstrates, reading a news piece is nothing compared to viewing it in VR. This program, like Within VR, creates movies and documentaries, but with a journalistic bent that covers the important issues of the day. You not only gain more context than you would from reading an article, but you also get to meet the subjects in person for a more in-depth encounter.

04. InCell VR

You’ve probably never experienced anything like InCell VR. It combines high-octane racing and action with biological science, teaching about cell structures and how life works inside your cells. With this understanding, you can shrink down to tiny size to fight diseases and protect the body. Who says education can’t be enjoyable?

05. 11:57

VR lends itself perfectly to horror stories because of its total immersion and capacity to transport you to another dimension. 11:57, a ‘360-degree nightmare’ that puts you in the middle of the action, exemplifies this brilliantly. Things revolve around you rather than merely witnessing what is going on, bringing you into the plot and providing an unforgettable experience.

06. Provata VR

Provata VR, a virtual reality meditation program that attempts to promote peace and better health, is on the opposite end of the spectrum than 11:57. You can go to a variety of peaceful locations using the app, including coral reefs, beautiful waterfalls, and majestic northern lights. You select a guided meditation exercise and use the Health app to measure your progress.

The best VR apps: Creating

07. Occulus Medium

You can’t go wrong with Oculus Medium if you’re looking for an immersive sculpting experience. It offers a comprehensive feature set, including sculpting, painting, and stamping, as well as a built-in camera and light system, making it ideal for rapid concept work and much more.

08. Quill

Quill, another Oculus app, appears to be a standard painting app but is actually fully 3D. Artistic brush strokes can be fully animated and live in 3D. Stay in VR to admire your work, or export it to your preferred 3D software to light and render it.

09. Gravity sketch

The comparison to Illustrator has been made, and we believe it is fair. Gravity Sketch is a full-fledged VR content production program, but it also includes some extremely fascinating and straightforward tools for drawing shapes using splines and curves. It’s ideal for visualizing products, modeling automobiles, and other similar tasks.

10. Tilt Brush

Tilt Brush was one of the first VR art apps to gain traction, and it’s still a fun experience today. It has some cool animated brushes, a pro mode for more expert users, and a great user interface. It’s a little more laid-back than the others on this list, but it’s a wonderful way to scribble ideas or simply doodle in virtual reality.

11. Beat Saber

While the applications described above are a lot of fun and allow you to produce content in a fully immersive way, we all need some downtime, and Beat Saber is a terrific way to accomplish that. Get your groove on and spend some time moving to the beat while chopping those flying bricks with a pair of sabers. For the Jedi Master who likes to play Tetris.

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