Best eBook reader apps for Android

Reading eBooks has gotten a lot easier than it used to be; here are some of our favorite methods.
It can be challenging to find the perfect eBook reading apps (also known as eReaders). There are a variety of eBook formats to deal with, as well as different types of books (novels, comics, and so on) that make the process a little more challenging. With the correct program, you can simply convert any phone or tablet into an eBook reader.
Furthermore, technological advancements have reached a stalemate. As a result, ebook reader applications are about as excellent as they’ve ever been, and we don’t expect them to improve much in the future until substantial innovation occurs.
The good thing is that, as long as the developer is active, whatever you choose should last you a long time. Here are the finest Android ebook reader applications!

The best eBook reader apps for Android

eBook reader apps

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Al diko Book Reader

Price: $4.99 / Free 

One of the older eBook reading apps is Aldiko Book Reader. For those who require it, it is also a terrific simple choice. It has EPUB, PDF, and Adobe DRM-protected eBook support, as well as eBook support for library books on loan. The program also includes a simple, though dated, layout, customization options, phone and tablet support, and worldwide text searches within books. There are advertisements in the free version. The premium version does not have this feature. Aside from that, they’re pretty much the same.

Amazon Kindle

Price: Book costs vary / Free 

One of the most well-known eBook reader apps is Amazon Kindle. It operates one of the Internet’s largest and most reliable eBook retailers. The program also has a plethora of reading tools, as well as cross-device syncing and a vast library of free books. The user interface is littered with advertisements. The actual reading of the text, on the other hand, is devoid of such drivel. While reading, there are also a number of customizing options. It’s an excellent choice based only on book availability. If necessary, you may also download books for offline reading.

AI Reader

Price: Up to $9.72 / Free 

In comparison to other eBook reader apps, AIReader is one of the newest ones. It also works with even older Android versions. This is getting increasingly rare these days. The program also supports the majority of popular eBook formats, including EPUB (no DRM), RTF, MOBI, PRC, and many more. For your convenience, the interface includes personalization choices, auto-scrolling, page-turning animations, and multiple view modes. The app is completely free to use. If you like, you can purchase one of the numerous donation versions. They cost between $0.99 to $9.72.

FB Reader

Price: $5.99 / Free 

Another older eReader app is FBReader. It’s an excellent solution for most fundamental use cases, just like Aldiko. AZW3, EPUB (up to EPUB3), fb2, RTF, HTML, and even plain text documents are all supported. It syncs books between your devices via the Google Drive cloud service. We also enjoyed the user interface. It’s a little dated, but it’s still functional and pleasing to the eye. It even supports gestures. For the time being, the app is completely free to use.

Foxit PDF Reader

Price: Free / $0.99

Foxit Reader is one of the most widely used PDF readers. It’s the perfect balance of productivity and reading. Almost all types of PDF files are supported by the program. It also includes features like annotations, form completion, and ConnectedPDF for privacy. It can read PDFs aloud and also supports audio and video content when it comes to reading. It boasts the finest cross-platform support of any eReader or PDF program available. Foxit is available for Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS, and Android. That completes the big five!


Price: Optional donations / Free

FullReader (formerly known as FReader) is a popular and up-to-date ebook reader program. It can read a broad range of ebook file formats, including less common ones like CBR and CBZ (comic books) and MP3 (audiobooks). The app layout is simple enough for virtually everyone, and the UI is typical Material Design. Cloud backup support with Google Drive and Dropbox, and AMOLED dark mode, and a translator that works with 95 languages are among the more advanced features. As far as we can determine, the app is completely free. If you want to help with development, you may make a donation.

Google Play Books

Price: Book costs vary / Free 

Google Play Books is an eBook reader app that competes with Amazon Kindle and Barnes&Noble Nook. It’s a kind of online bookstore. There are books, magazines, and a variety of other items available. It can read a variety of ebook formats, including eBooks, comic books, and other sorts of ebooks. You may even save your books to the cloud and read them from any location. This provides you with a great storage choice that you can access from any device that has an Internet connection. Book rentals, a Rapid Skim Mode, and a Quick Bookmarks feature are among the additional features. Although the app is free, many of the books are not.

Kobo Books

Price: Free

Like Amazon, Nook, and Google Play Books, Kobo Books is an online bookshop. The software is quite simple. It appears that it can only read books that have been purchased through the program. However, both audiobooks and regular eBooks are supported by the program. Cross-device syncing, downloading for offline usage, and a Night Mode for late-night reading are among the other features. The search and discovery features are also quite good. The app is available for free download. Books, of course, are not cheap.

Media365 Book Reader

Price: $4.99 / Free 

One of the most popular eBook reader apps is Media365 Book Reader. On the surface, the app seems simple, but it’s fantastic underneath. It seems to take its moniker quite literally. Over three dozen file types are supported by the program, including eBook formats, comic book formats, and some oddities like WEBP, PPTX, PSD, and others. Material Design is used for the user interface. It’s bright, inviting, and straightforward. There isn’t a whole lot wrong with this one. The most it will charge for as an in-app purchase to eliminate the adverts is $4.99.

Moon+ Reader

Price: $4.99 / Free 

Moon+ Reader is without a doubt one of the best ebook readers available. It works with a variety of eBook formats, including EPUB, PDF, MOBI, and the majority of comic book formats. It even supports OPDS. Over 10 themes, motion controls, auto-scrolling, EPUB3 support, and Dropbox cross-device syncing are all included in the program. It’s one of those eReader apps with all the bells and whistles you’d expect. Ads can be removed for $4.99.

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