The Drone Archive Key is a vacpack upgrade that allows players to read archived notes from Research Drones, except in the new region. This key is obtained from a call by Mochi Miles.

To unlock the key, players need to pop the flutter gordo and interact with the drone in the cave underneath it. Additionally, it can also be made using the Slime Science Lab, allowing access to additional notes on each drone.

By interacting with research drones and pressing X to reveal the Log File. This crucial upgrade enhances the gameplay experience by providing valuable information on the world of Slime Rancher, helping players progress and succeed. It is a sought-after item, and understanding how to obtain and utilize it can greatly benefit players in their exploration and adventures in Slime Rancher 2.

Adventure To Archive Key Acquisition

The Drone Archive Key is a vacpack upgrade obtained through a call from Mochi Miles, allowing players to access archived notes from Research Drones, except in the new Powderfall Bluffs region. To acquire the key, interacting with the Flutter Gordo is essential. Once popped, the player must venture into the cave below to engage with the drone and obtain the key from Mochi. The Slime Science Lab is where this key is crafted, enabling access to additional notes from each drone encountered by interacting with them and pressing X to reveal the Log File.

Slime Rancher 2 Drone Archive Key


Utilizing The Drone Archive Key Effectively

The Drone Archive Key is an essential vacpack upgrade in Slime Rancher 2, received from Mochi Miles. With this key, players can access archived notes from all Research Drones, except for the Powderfall Bluffs region. To unlock the key, players need to pop the Flutter Gordo and interact with the drone in the cave beneath it. After obtaining the key, simply interact with a research drone and press X to reveal the log file, providing valuable insights and information.

Maximizing Your Ranch With The Drone Archive Key

The Drone Archive Key is an essential vacpack upgrade obtained from Mochi Miles, enabling players to access archived notes from Research Drones. Discovering the key’s potential is crucial for maximizing ranch efficiency. Advanced Drone Management is key to enhancing ranch operations, and understanding the Log File Revelations can significantly improve efficiency. However, it’s vital to recognize the limitations of the key, especially when navigating beyond Powderfall Bluffs. Leveraging Community Insights can offer innovative ways to utilize the archived data effectively, contributing to a successful slime ranching experience.

Frequently Asked Questions For Slime Rancher 2 Drone Archive Key

Can You Get More Than 2 Drones In Slime Rancher?

Yes, in Slime Rancher, you can get more than 2 drones by obtaining the Drone Archive Key upgrade. This allows you to read archived notes from Research Drones, excluding the new Powderfall Bluffs region.

What Do The Research Drones Do In Slime Rancher 2?

The research drones in Slime Rancher 2 provide archived notes accessible via the Drone Archive Key upgrade. This allows players to read notes from most Research Drones, excluding the Powderfall Bluffs region. Interact with the drones and press X to reveal the Log File.

How Do You Unlock The Drone In Slime Rancher?

To unlock the drone in Slime Rancher, receive the Drone Archive Key from Mochi Miles. Interact with the drone and press X to access the Log File.

How Do I Get The Drone Archive Key In Slime Rancher 2?

The Drone Archive Key can be obtained by popping the flutter gordo and interacting with the drone in the cave underneath it to get the key from Mochi.


In Slime Rancher 2, the Drone Archive Key is an essential vacpack upgrade that allows players to access and read notes from Research Drones. This upgrade adds an exciting element to the game, providing valuable insights and enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

With the Drone Archive Key, players can dive deeper into the world of Slime Rancher and uncover hidden secrets.

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