Are you ready to level up your Google Meet experience? You can optimize your Meet sessions and get the most out of the platform with a few simple adjustments. Our pro tips will show you different customization like how to change backgrounds in google meet.

Tips and Tricks for Customizing Your Google Meet Experience

With a few simple tweaks, you can customize your Google Meet experience. Here are some common tips and tricks for customizing your google.

So get ready and keep reading the article—it’s time to customize your Google Meet experience.

1. Change Background In Google Meet

Google Meet allows you to change your background as much as you want. You can choose from classic solid colors and gradient shades. Also, you can add a personal touch by uploading your image.

Here are some tips to remember when selecting or creating a background:

Procedure For Setting An Engaging Background And Filter Before A Meeting:

  1. Join a meeting on Google Meet.
  2. Look for the “Apply visual effects” button on the bottom right of your self-view.
  3. Click the button to access the visual effects options.
  4. To completely blur your background, click “Blur your background.”
  5. To slightly blur your background, click “Slightly blur your background.”
  6. To select a pre-uploaded background, click on the one you want to use.
  7. To upload your image for your background, click “Upload a background image.”
  8. Click on the style you want to add to your video.
  9. To select a filter, tap “Filters” at the bottom and choose your desired filter.
  10. If the filter is interactive, follow the directions on the screen to activate it.
  11. Once you’ve selected it, click “Join Now” to start your meeting with the visual effects applied.

Fun Background For Google Meet

Google Meet offers a range of pre-uploaded funny backgrounds to choose from. Here are some ideas for fun backgrounds you can use on Google Meet:

2. Tips and Tricks: Customizing Your Profile Picture

Your profile picture is a vital part of your Google Meet experience. It’s how people recognize you on the call and helps to build relationships with other participants. 

Set Up Your Profile Picture 

To customize your picture, open the app while connected to the same Google account. If you’re already on a call, move your cursor to the left-hand side of the window. Next, click on your profile icon.

From there, select the “Add profile photo” button and choose from one of the default images. Or you can upload a new one from your computer. 

You can even take a new photo using your webcam if you’d like. Once you save your changes, everyone in the meeting will see the new photo.

3. Tips and Tricks: Use on-Screen Reactions

Sometimes, words just aren’t enough to express what you’re feeling. With Google Meet, you can use on-screen reactions to make your conversations more enjoyable.

Reactions are a fun and powerful way to bring life to conversations and meetings. You can support a topic or idea with the click of a mouse. You can even crack a smile when someone shares funny content.

How to Show On-Screen Reactions?

First, locate the Reactions icon at the bottom center of your screen (marked with an emoji). When you click this icon, several emoji options will appear. From there, you can select the one that best expresses your feelings. You can also simply type “/react” followed by an emoji name directly into the chat box.

Choose A Skin Tone For Your Reactions In Meet

You can pick your Reactions’ skin tone before you send.

  1. First, hover over a reaction to bring up the skin tone selector next to the panel.
  2. Select your emoji’s skin tone.

Tip: You can’t change some emoji’s skin tone.

4. Tips and Tricks: Creating Your Shortcut Keys

You can create shortcut keys for some of your most used commands.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Google Meet and click on the Tools tab at the top of the window.
  2. Select “Keyboard Shortcuts” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click “Set Custom Keyboard Shortcuts” in the bottom right corner of the window.
  4. Next, select “Create Custom Shortcut” from the menu.
  5. Choose the key combination for your custom shortcut, and enter it into the field.
  6. Write a brief description of what this shortcut key will do. Thus you can remember it easily later on.
  7. Select an action from the provided list, such as “Mute Audio” or “End Meeting,” 
  8. Finally, click “OK” to save your changes and use your new custom shortcut keys.

5 Tips and Tricks: Enhancing Your Audio and Video Settings

Before starting your meeting, always check your audio and video quality are on point. Here is how you can do it on google meet:

Audio Settings

Adjusting your audio settings will help with creating clear sound. First, select the right microphone. Choose the one by going to Settings > Audio > Microphone and making your selection.

You can also tweak other audio settings, like adjusting the input volume or using background noise suppression.

Video Settings

Adjust your camera settings if you want smooth video quality during your meeting. Pick something higher than the default from Settings > Video > Camera Quality. You can also go to Settings to change how big or small you appear on the screen.

6 Tips and Tricks: Adding and removing meeting participants

Google Meet allows up to 250 participants with valid Google accounts. To add or remove participants during a meeting, click on their name or the People Icon.

For better security, turn off the “let others decide who joins” setting before starting the meeting.

7 Tips and Tricks: Screen sharing 

It’s really easy to share your screen in Google Meet. Here are some of the available shared screen options:

8. Make Use Of The Hand-Raising Feature

In a meeting, you’ve probably wondered how to make sure everyone has the chance to speak up. Google Meet’s hand-raising feature lets participants inform you when they have a question.

You can enable or disable it in the meeting settings. Participants can raise their hands when it’s on by clicking the hand icon in the bottom toolbar. Then, other participants (including the host) can view who’s raised their hands.

How To Enable/Disable The Hand-Raising Feature

  1. Start the meeting as usual.
  2. Go to “Meeting Settings.”
  3. In the left pane, click on “Participants.”
  4. Select “Hand Raise” from the dropdown menu.
  5. Choose either “Enable” or “Disable.”
  6. Click “Done” at the bottom of the screen.
  7. Start the call – the hand-raising feature will now be enabled or disabled for your participants.

9. Tips and Tricks:: Enabling Closed Captioning

Closed captioning makes it easier for deaf viewers to follow along with conversations. With just a few steps, you can take advantage of this helpful feature in Google Meet.

Here’s how you can enable closed captioning:

  1. In the bottom right corner of the meeting window, click on the three dots to access the settings.
  2. Select “Turn on captions.”
  3. A transcript will appear at the bottom of the window.
  4. Select “Captions settings” from four different font and style size options.
  5. To turn off captions, select “Turn off captions” or click on the three dots again and select “Turn off captions.”
  6. Now participants will be able to understand what others say more easily.

10. Tips and Tricks: Recording and saving your Google Meet sessions

Google Meet allows you to record and store conversations. Here are a few tips for how to best customize your recording experience:

Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes Echo In Google Meet, And How Can I Fix It?

Echo in Google Meet occurs when the microphone picks up the sound from the speaker, causing a feedback loop. To fix this, you should adjust the placement of the microphone and speaker to reduce the distance between them.

Does Someone Get A Notification When I Pin Their Video On Google Meet?

Pinning a video in Google Meet is a personal action, so everyone in the meeting, including the host, gets a notification. When you pin a video, it only affects your own layout. It does not affect anyone else’s view of the meeting.

Is It Possible To Track Someone On Google Meet?

It is not possible to track someone on Google Meet. The platform does not include any user attention-tracking features or software. That means it cannot detect whether or not you are paying attention during a meeting.


With all these tips and tricks, you can easily change backgrounds in Google Meet and personalize your virtual space.

When selecting or creating a background, keep it relevant, organized, and high quality. Your profile picture is also essential to help build relationships with other participants. Don’t forget to use on-screen reactions to express your feelings. Your virtual meeting space can say a lot about you and your personality.

With these pro tips and tricks, you can personalize and enhance your Google Meet experience. So, play around with the options, and make your next call the best.

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